The coordination and awareness of the common interests of the members as highly specialised paraplegic centres in Switzerland vis-à-vis associations, clinics / hospitals,
institutions, governmental agencies, politicians and the public.
The promotion and institutionalisation of the mutual contacts as well as the exchange with its members, with the Swiss Society for Paraplegia (SSoP) and the Swiss Paraplegic Foundation (SPS).
The maintenance of contacts and the exchange of experience at the international level with paraplegic centres and associations such as the German Speaking Medical Society for Paraplegia
(DMGP), the Association Francophone Internationale des Groupes d'Animation de la Paraplégie (AFIGAP) and the International Spinal Cord Society (ISCOS). The maintenance of contacts with SW!SSREHA
(Association of Rehabilitation Clinics), SwissDRG AG and other relevant associations and organisations.
The development of quality and performance criteria for the highly specialised treatment and rehabilitation of people with spinal cord injuries in close cooperation with the Swiss Society for
Paraplegia (SSoP)